Mamoru Narukawa

Dr. Narukawa, graduate of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Tokyo University, brings unique value to the firm’s service as a scientific advisor. Previously, he served in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan and is well versed in the agency practice. He held key positions in approval, development and reimbursement of drugs. He is also a tenured professor at Kitasato University.
成川 衛 東京大学薬学部卒業、厚生省入省
薬事、国際間規制調和(ICH)、薬価などを幅広く担当。外務省・ 医薬品機構に出向。 2016年 北里大学大学院薬学研究科・臨床医学(医薬開発学)教授。サイエンスアドバイザー